Magical Objects of Contrition
Saturday, April 19
11 am - 1 pm CST

Advanced Series: Video
Saturday, March 29
11 am - 1 pm CST

Magical Places to Talk to Self
Saturday, March 15
11 am - 1 pm CST

Advanced Deeper Intimacy with yourself (DIY) Classes ($165*)

• $165 per class or $155 per class if paid in a series of 2 or more ($310/2, $465/3 or $620/4)

Advanced Series: Voice Memos
Saturday, March 1
11 am - 1 pm CST

On-demand IFS Demonstration Videos ($35)

 On-Demand Workshops ($30)

All upcoming classes

Women’s Magical IFS Classes ($165*)

If you want to l learn more about any upcoming class, sign up for a free Zoom call with me. I do a Zoom with everyone who takes a class, so you have a sense of safety with me coming in to the class,
to find out if it's the right fit, and to have your questions answered!