Tea Party! Linden Flower, Eleuthero, Dong Quai, California Poppy

LINDEN (or was it Elder?) FLOWER

Melissa: Flower my booty!! It was BITTER. I loathed this. 2/10
Kylah: 4/10. I didn’t hate it. Not great.


Melissa: 9/10 Tasted like nothing, which today — was a relief. Yeay for tasting like nothing!
Kylah - 8/10 great additive to something else, and would drink it by itself if I had to.

Dong Quai

Melissa & Kylah: 4/10. Tasted like celery root water.

California Poppy

Melissa & Kylah: “Tasted like burned alfalfa.” Kylah - 5/10. Melissa 3/10


Omega-6 • Linoleic Acid • Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (PUFA) links