IFS + Finger Puppets
Fox out of the Box!
Saturday, December 14 • 12 pm - 1:30p CST • $25
An advanced IFS demonstration of an exuberant exile
coming to understand why the protectors stifled her in the past
This will be a demonstration of Melissa as both client & practitioner,
using finger puppets to externalize her parts — in 2012! Let’s get retro!
An exile, the fox, is out of the box! Out and about, and mad about being kept in the box for so long!
Why was her exuberance and aliveness stifled and held at bay? The protectors know…will they let us know? Watch and find out!
On Zoom for 90 minutes!
One of the ways people learn IFS best is through IFS demonstrations.
I have witnessed over 100 in-person IFS demonstrations by the founder of IFS, Richard Schwartz, during the 15 years I dedicated to learning IFS (including taking 13 level 3 trainings with him).
I truly believe simply watching IFS sessions is a very powerful way to get it IN YOUR BONES and to begin to live and breathe the IFS approach. Make it come alive in you! Watch it IN ACTION!
I also believe our mirror neurons benefit from the entrainment of watching other people’s parts receive and respond to Self-energy. It gives them permission and hope that they, too, can do it.
In the spirit of dynamic, experiential learning, I am offering this new IFS Demonstration Class twice a month with the hope it will support people to learn IFS more deeply.
This class is for everyone — beginner to advanced!
You do NOT need IFS training to join in — demonstrations are an entryway to IFS learning, but on both a beginner and advanced level, making it perfect for anyone, a starting place and a deepening place.
Go inside/ Journal
We will begin as all IFS gatherings do, by going inside to connect to ourselves and center. Feel free to journal.
Just one sentence to connect everyone to one thing we would like everyone to know.
IFS Watch Party
Then I will share my screen, and we’ll have the Demo Watch Party. We’ll watch the demonstration together from start to finish. As we watch, I invite you to be present to both the parts that come up in you — who are emotionally affected or triggered, and also the IFS learning parts who have questions. I invite you to jot down or journal what arises for you personally, as well as any questions you have about the model or techniques I’m using. After the demo is over, we’ll take a quick bathroom break!
When we reconvene, I’ll begin the videotaping so we can refer back for teaching purposes. We’ll start with our emotional responses to the demo — what was inspiring, how we resonated, and how we were triggered — what are trailheads for our own inner work it brought up?
Q & A
After that, we’ll have an extended Q & A. I’ll answer any questions about the IFS work we saw.
After that, we’ll close with a word or phrase we’re taking with us.
Sliding-scale individual sessions
As I ramp up the IFS Demo watch parties, I will be offering one or two sliding scale spaces a month for individual sessions with me. In return for a lower-cost session, they will be videotaped and later used as teaching videos.
The videos will not be public access (out and about on Youtube) —they will be paywalled and only available in teaching settings and/or as paid, downloadable self-paced IFS demonstration and teaching material. If you’re interested in this possibility, click here to set up a free Zoom on my Calendly.