Joseph is back! In this video, he journals a conversation between a part that wants to grow and a part that is afraid to grow. And they come to a very compassionate, connected place in the end. (45 minutes) 

Here is what he journaled: 

A quick getting started video — only 4 minutes 

—Note, in this video I advise having parts talk to you, not each other. But in Joseph’s video, his fear part, later in the video, actually feels compassion toward the growth part and I ENCOURAGE him to let it talk to the growth part. (Around the 18 minute mark) 

So I want to clarify that in general, err on the side of having parts talk to you, not each other. But if you have a lot of Self energy juice flowing, and a part comes up that is genuinely a Self-led part, and it has something kind, compassionate or truly connected to say to another part, then DO let it talk. Because Self to part conversations are powerful and repairing, but when a part that has been in a fight with another part, actually gets to experience its ‘enemy’ as a friend, that is EVEN more powerful. 

So this is a discernment point — I still stick to erring on the side of having parts talk to Self, but if the parts are genuinely NOT fighting with each other, then go ahead and support them in connecting and repairing or developing their relationship! 

Happy journaling! 
